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仲裁员的披露义务和挑战仲裁员Halliburton v Chubb [2018] EWCA 817

更新时间:2018-05-02 11:23:39  张振安 临时仲裁ADA 编辑:lianluobu  点击次数:1690次







在一关于深水地平线事件(Deepwater Horizon incident)引起索赔的保单仲裁案件中,首席仲裁员的身份无法协商一致,法院委任了该名仲裁员。







Halliburton根据1996年仲裁法第24条向法院申请撤换由法院任命的首席仲裁员,该条规定了法院有权基于如下理由撤换仲裁员:‎“存在当事人对该仲裁员的公正性产生具有合理怀疑的事由…”。"that circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality …".



his acceptance of the appointments in the Transocean arbitrations; 


his failure to disclose those appointments to Halliburton; and


his response to the challenge to his impartiality.



Whether and to what extent an arbitrator may accept appointments in multiple references concerning the same or overlapping subject matter with only one common party without thereby giving rise to an appearance of bias.


Whether and to what extent he may do so without disclosure。


When should an arbitrator make disclosure of circumstances which may give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality?‎


What are the consequences of failing to make disclosure of circumstances which should have been disclosed?


上诉法院认为,基于良好惯例(good practice)并作为一项法律问题,该仲裁员在该案情况下,本应在Transocean一案被任命时向Halliburton作出披露。然而,法院维持了一审判决,认为一名公平的且通情达理的旁观者在考虑了事实之后,不会得出第三名仲裁员很有可能存有偏见的结论。因此,根据该法第24条撤换仲裁员的申请被予以了驳回。



 "... the mere fact that an arbitrator accepts appointments in multiple references concerning the same or overlapping subject matter with only one common party does not of itself give rise to an appearance of bias."



 "... disclosure should be given of facts and circumstances known to the arbitrator which ... would or might give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality ... [i.e.] which would or might lead the fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, to conclude that there was a real possibility that the arbitrator was biased.‎"



"the court needs to consider the significance of that non-disclosure in the context of the application with which the court is dealing. In the case of an application for removal of the arbitrator in question, the court will consider on the basis of all the factual information available when that application is heard (including the fact that there has been non-disclosure), whether the fair-minded and informed observer would conclude that there was a real possibility that the arbitrator was biased.“



"If a disclosure that ought to have been made has not been made, that will mean that the arbitrator will not have displayed the "badge of impartiality" which he should have done.‎.. the fact of non-disclosure "must inevitably colour the thinking of the observer"."



"Non-disclosure is therefore a factor to be taken into account in considering the issue of apparent bias. An inappropriate response to the suggestion that there should be or should have been disclosure may further colour the thinking of the observer and may fortify or even lead to an overall conclusion of apparent bias ...‎"



"Non-disclosure of a fact or circumstance which should have been disclosed, but does not in fact, on examination, give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator's impartiality, cannot, however, in and of itself justify an inference of apparent bias. Something more is required."





Halliburton v Chubb [2018] EWCA 817


International commercial arbitration practice.


The Court of Appeal has handed down judgment in this appeal from the High Court's refusal to remove an arbitrator for alleged doubts as to his impartiality. The decision provides guidance as to how arbitrators should approach appointments in related references.


In an arbitration between the parties under an insurance policy in respect of a claim arising out of the Deepwater Horizon incident, the identity of the third arbitrator could not be agreed; a Court appointment was made.


Prior to appointment, the third arbitrator disclosed that he had previously acted as arbitrator in a number of arbitrations in which Chubb was a party, including appointments on behalf of Chubb, and that he was currently appointed as arbitrator in two pending references in which Chubb was involved.


The arbitrator also later accepted appointment by Chubb in relation to an arbitration with Transocean arising out of the same incident.‎ Prior this appointment, the arbitrator disclosed to Transocean his appointment in the Halliburton reference and in the other Chubb arbitrations which had been disclosed to Halliburton. Transocean raised no objection. The arbitrator then accepted appointment as arbitrator in another Transocean claim. The above appointments were not disclosed to Halliburton.


When it learned of the appointments, Halliburton wrote to the third arbitrator, questioning his impartiality and failure to disclose the appointments in Transocean references and suggesting he resign. The third arbitrator responded, rejecting any lack of impartiality, accepting it would have been prudent to disclose the appointments and offering to resign subject to Chubb's agreement, which was not forthcoming.


Halliburton applied to the court to remove the court-appointed third arbitrator under s24 of the Arbitration Act 1996, which provides that the court has power to remove an arbitrator on the grounds:


"that circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality …".



The three elements of the third arbitrator's conduct which Halliburton relied upon as giving rise to an appearance of bias were: (1) his acceptance of the appointments in the Transocean arbitrations; (2) his failure to disclose those appointments to Halliburton; and (3) his response to the challenge to his impartiality.


The issues were:

(1) Whether and to what extent an arbitrator may accept appointments in multiple references concerning the same or overlapping subject matter with only one common party without thereby giving rise to an appearance of bias.


(2) Whether and to what extent he may do so without disclosure

‎And more generally:

(3) When should an arbitrator make disclosure of circumstances which may give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality?‎


(4) What are the consequences of failing to make disclosure of circumstances which should have been disclosed?



The Court of Appeal‎ found that the third arbitrator ought as a matter of good practice and, in the circumstances of the case, as a matter of law to have made disclosure to Halliburton at the time of his appointments in the Transocean references. However, the Court‎ upheld the first instance decision that the fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would not conclude that there was a real possibility that the third arbitrator was biased. ‎The application to remove the arbitrator under s24 of the Act was therefore refused.


The Court clarified that "... the mere fact that an arbitrator accepts appointments in multiple references concerning the same or overlapping subject matter with only one common party does not of itself give rise to an appearance of bias."


‎As to whether an arbitrator may accept such appointments without disclosure, the Court commented that "... disclosure should be given of facts and circumstances known to the arbitrator which ... would or might give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality ... [i.e.] which would or might lead the fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, to conclude that there was a real possibility that the arbitrator was biased.‎"


If disclosure ought to have been made but was not, "the court needs to consider the significance of that non-disclosure in the context of the application with which the court is dealing. In the case of an application for removal of the arbitrator in question, the court will consider on the basis of all the factual information available when that application is heard (including the fact that there has been non-disclosure), whether the fair-minded and informed observer would conclude that there was a real possibility that the arbitrator was biased.


"If a disclosure that ought to have been made has not been made, that will mean that the arbitrator will not have displayed the "badge of impartiality" which he should have done.‎.. the fact of non-disclosure "must inevitably colour the thinking of the observer"."


"Non-disclosure is therefore a factor to be taken into account in considering the issue of apparent bias. An inappropriate response to the suggestion that there should be or should have been disclosure may further colour the thinking of the observer and may fortify or even lead to an overall conclusion of apparent bias ...‎"


"Non-disclosure of a fact or circumstance which should have been disclosed, but does not in fact, on examination, give rise to justifiable doubts as to the arbitrator's impartiality, cannot, however, in and of itself justify an inference of apparent bias. Something more is required."