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更新时间:2017-09-12 17:13:36  张振安 临时仲裁ADA 编辑:lianluobu  点击次数:1527次














若仔细推敲纪律法庭于2017年7月18日作出的裁决,就能发现其中微妙。纪律法庭认定,涉案律师和事务所的行为都非出于故意因此并未违反信赖义务(第59、60段),但同时也认为该律师和事务所的行为存在疏忽:即忽视了本对其是显而易见的客户间利益冲突问题。关于律师的行为,法庭认为其应该在2012年5月至11月期间实施冲突检查。事实上,在国际事务领域,每个律师对可能存在的利益冲突尤其需要警惕。法庭表示,虽然该律师在客户关系复杂的国际事务中有丰富的经验,但实际上其成为合伙人的时间还不是很长(第59段)。关于律师事务所的行为,法庭最后强调,该律师事务所为处理潜在的或真正的利益冲突已采取了“强有力的”程序。此外,该事务所有经验和资源来保护客户并防止利益冲突问题(第60段)。法庭认为涉案律师事务所及律师各自的行为,已经对该行业的声誉和信任造成了损害(第59、60段),其中该事务所造成的损害 “远远超过”这名律师造成的损害(第60条)。














5 September 2017 ·      by altanapolearbitrage · in Legal News

Decisionof the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal of 18 July 2017, case No. 11592-2016


In its decision of 18 July 2017, the English Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, the equivalent in France of the conseil de discipline des avocats, ordered a prestigious law firm and one of its partners to pay a substantial fine for not having identified a conflict of interest between clients and not having protected the confidentiality of the information obtained. The decision rendered across the Channel serves as a reminder of the importance of conflict of interest issues in the daily practice of lawyers; it emphasizes the inextricable difficulties which can arise if a conflict of interest appears or is not anticipated with sufficient foresight. But beyond this, the decision raises questions about the conflict of interest problem in law firms specializing in the practice of international arbitration, particularly when their structure of practice has an international dimension: they must pay greater attention since their cases often involve offices and lawyers in several countries.

The Facts:

Although complex, the facts must be accurately reported in order to assess the scope of the decision.

In 2010, a major international firm advised a client, through its London office and its partner in international arbitration, on a request for arbitration(“case A”).The request for arbitration, initiated against two private persons,was subsequently extended to two other defendants (“persons C and D”), inparticular involving companies owned indirectly by them in the United States.In 2011, the New York office of the same firm was solicited by the companies indirectly held by persons C and D in a completely different case (“caseB”).Before agreeing to accept case B, the law firm implemented their internal conflict of interest procedure which revealed a link between case A and case B.Since case A was a priori settled, the law firm considered that it could accept case B without a conflict of interest.However, shortly after the acceptance of case B, there were new developments in case A.Thus, in May 2012,new instructions were given by the client of case A to the London office and its partner, against persons C and D.

Then,between March 2013 and August 2013, the partner in charge of case A (i) caused the commencement of arbitration proceedings and proceedings before the High Court against persons C and D and (ii) in support of the arbitration triggered a discovery application in the United States against companies involved in case B.

It should be noted that during this period, the law firm had implemented, a new,the internal conflict of interest procedure, (i) initially in November 2012 on the initiative of the partner in charge of case A, and then (ii) twice in the course of 2013. The potential for a conflict of interest between cases A and B was systematically ruled out.In particular, in early 2013, the New York office in charge of case B considered that it was not required to withdraw from case B under the New York Bar rules; only ethical screens had to be taken in order to prevent disclosures of confidential information between the teams handling the A Matter and B Matter. Accordingly, the law firm, through its London office,continued to act on behalf of the client of case A, even though it represented,through its New York office, its potential opponents in case B.In 2014, persons C and D, in the course of the judicial proceedings against them, sought an injunction from the High Court to prohibit the law firm from continuing to act in case A.That request was upheld by the English court in its decision of 31January 2014 on the grounds that the law firm might infringe on the protection of confidential information in case B.It is in this context that the Solicitors Regulation Authority asked the Disciplinary Tribunal to sanction the law firm and its partner in charge of case A for breach of their ethical obligations.

Claims of the parties:

The Solicitors Regulation Authority admonished the partner in charge of case A for having accepted clients and the law firm for giving authorization to act on behalf of those clients, without either of them taking the necessary measures to (i) identify an apparent conflict of interest or a risk of conflict of interest and to (ii) ensure the confidentiality of clients’ information. For their part, the lawyer and the law firm were making amends.They acknowledged that they had breached their ethical obligations by overlooking a situation of conflict of interest (Article O (3.5.) of the 2011 SRA Code of Conduct and Principle 6 of the 2011 SRA Principles of Conduct) and by not protecting confidential information (Article O (4.4) of the 2011 SRA Code of Conduct and Principle 4 and Principle 6 of the 2011 SRA Principles of Conduct).Specifically, the lawyer admitted he acted recklessly on several occasions:

by forgetting, in May 2012, at the time when case A had undergone new developments, that the law firm had accepted case B (§34.1);

by preparing the discovery application without taking care to verify that the persons concerned were not the clients of case B (§ 34.5);

by providing confidential information to a partner involved in case B during a conflict check procedure (§34.3 and §41).

However,in his defense, the partner in charge of case A argued that at no time he had been informed of any confidential information disclosed in case B(§37). Similarly, although he acknowledged that he bears personal responsibility for compliance with his professional obligations (§34.5), he pointed out that he had acted, as of  November 2012, in reliance on decisions taken by the firm (§43). The law firm generally acknowledged its errors, in particular the failure of its methods to investigate the existence of a conflict of interest (§52), and to ensure that “the errors…are not repeated” (§55), it presented the new measures taken to effectively manage future conflicts of interest (§ 53 et seq.).

The Decision of the Disciplinary Tribunal:

The decision rendered on 18 July 2017 by the Disciplinary Tribunal is more nuanced than it seems at first sight.Indeed, the Disciplinary Tribunal recognizes that neither the lawyer nor the law firm had acted deliberately; there was no breach of trust (§59 and §60). However, the Disciplinary Tribunal found that they were negligent: they had missed a conflict of interest issue between clients that should have been apparent to them.As regards the conduct of the lawyer, theTribunal considers that the latter should have carried out a conflict check between May and November 2012. Indeed, in the field of international affairs,the individual solicitor must be particularly alert to the existence of a conflict of interest; the Tribunal acknowledges that the lawyer was experienced in international matters with complex client relationships but at the materialtime he had not been a partner for very long (§59). As regards the conduct ofthe law firm, the Tribunal stresses at length that the law firm had “robust” procedures in places to handle potential or real conflict-of-interest;moreover, it had the experience and resources to protect its clients and prevent such problems (§60). The Tribunal found that the law firm and the lawyer, by their respective conduct, had caused damage to the reputation and trust placed in the profession (§59 and §60); the damage caused by the law firm being regarded as “considerably greater than that of one individual” (§60).

As a result, the law firm was fined £ 250,000, which corresponds to level 5 on the indicative list of fines, and the lawyer was personally fined £ 50,000, which corresponds to level 4 on the indicative list of fines.


The issue of conflict of interest is complex in international arbitration.

The conflict of interest may concern the arbitrator, the arbitration institution itself or may appear between the counsel in international arbitration and the arbitrator (on this last point, see our previous post). The  Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal’s judgment reveals a new aspect of this complexity.

Afortiori, the issues dealt with were classical: in English law as well as in French law (Articles 4.1 and 4.2 of the RIN), lawyers are prohibited from placing themselves in a position that may generate a conflict of interest between clients. When the dispute arises, lawyers must divest themselves of the case; failure to do so may result in breach of confidentiality by taking advantage of information obtained by either client.

In the area of international arbitration, however, the management of a conflict of interest between clients may be difficult.

International arbitration, because of its international dimension, is often practiced instructures of global scope, present in many countries, in multiple offices,with thousands of lawyers and numerous and varied clients; lawyers practicing international arbitration themselves have an authority that often transcends borders.

Whatever the scale of the lawyers’ structure, whatever its size, the rules of conflictof interest and confidentiality apply to it; in fact, the legal profession itself practices law through its members.

Inorder to avoid any risk of a conflict of interest, the large international firms thus have specific internal procedures which, despite their vigor and robustness,are not always infallible. The present case is a topical illustration.

In a context of global competition among law firms in the international arbitration market, the prevention of conflicts of interest is a distinctive element that requires large structures to constantly adjust their internal systems which is sometimes difficult to achieve; a difficulty that has contributed in recent years to the emergence  of smaller structures in the international arbitration market which are not linked to international networks, thus limiting the risk of conflicts of interest.