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ICCA国际仲裁第三方资助(TPF)报告:第2章 争议资助概述(1)

更新时间:2018-08-09 09:16:05   编辑:lianluobu  点击次数:4453次

Chapter 2* Overview of Dispute Funding(1)

第2章 争议资助概述(1)

I. Dispute Funding: An Introductory Overview  争议资助简介

As international arbitration continues to grow in prominence and complexity, so do the attendant costs and, consequently, demands from users of the process to find innovative ways to finance their matters.[1] “Whether in favour or against, third-party funding of litigation and, more recently, arbitration, is an undeniable and important reality.”[2] Anecdotal reports suggest that the global market for dispute funding – both litigation and arbitration – is currently estimated as exceeding US$ 10 billion and rapidly growing.[3]


The business of law is changing and dispute funding is very much an integral part of the future of the global arbitration and litigation markets. It is amidst this backdrop that an exploration of the interplay between dispute funding and international arbitration is not only increasingly timely, but of the utmost importance. The arbitration community must find a way to balance the increasing business need for innovative approaches to the financing of legal matters while protecting the integrity of the arbitral process and the ultimate enforceability of awards. The aim of this Chapter is to provide a general overview of dispute funding as it relates to international commercial and investment arbitration.


A. What is Dispute Funding? 何为争议资助?

In less than a decade, dispute funding has moved from the fringes of a handful of common law jurisdictions to centre stage in the global commercial litigation and arbitration market. Dispute funding first started in Australia and then migrated to the United Kingdom in the beginning of the twenty-first century. While Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are now known to have established and thriving legal dispute funding markets, the practice continues to emerge and grow in new jurisdictions around the world (e.g., Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Latin America, and Europe).[4]


In its simplest form, third-party funding involves an entity, with no prior interest in the legal dispute, providing financing to one of the parties (usually the claimant). Typically, this financing is offered on a ‘non-recourse’ basis, meaning that the funder has no recourse against the funded party if the case is unsuccessful. Under this model, the funder’s recourse for repayment of the capital advanced and return on the capital invested is limited only to the claim proceeds recovered, if any.


1. Rising Demand for Funding 增长的资助需求

It has been suggested that the rapid expansion of this type of funding was fuelled by the economic downturn in 2008. Many corporations and investors experienced economic instability and were unable to proceed with meritorious claims due to reduced cash flow. At the same time, investors were seeking alternative capital outlets, where returns would not be correlated to traditional markets. It remains to be shown, however, whether there is any real as opposed to coincidental correlation between the 2008 crisis and the expansion of third-party funding in international arbitration. In recent years, with the rising costs of international arbitrations[5] and the additional number of constraints being placed upon corporate legal budgets, it is not surprising that the demand for dispute funding has continued to increase. According to Professors Lisa Bench Nieuwveld and Victoria Shannon Sahani:


“[The] four main forces driving the sharp increase in the demand … [are: (1)] increasing access to justice … [; (2)] companies seeking a means to pursue a meritorious claim while also maintaining enough cash flow to continue conducting business as usual … [; (3)] worldwide market turmoil and uncertainty … which has inspired ... investors to seek investments that are not directly tied to or affected by the volatile and unpredictable financial markets … [; and (4)] third-party funding as corporate finance, whereby corporate entities … enter into bespoke arrangements … as a means of raising capital for general operating expenses or expansion to meet new business goals.”[6]


“The global economic slowdown has also inspired companies facing bankruptcy or insolvency to seek funding to pursue claims that may generate cash flow for their businesses or mitigate the risk of losing a ’bet-the-company’ dispute.”[7]

Additionally, and not surprisingly, the aforementioned economic situation has increased client pressures upon law firms to deliver innovative solutions, some of which require the use of funding directly by the law firms in conjunction with the offering of alternative fee arrangements, in order to attract legal work.[8] Rising demand for third-party funding has led to a rather recent boom in supply. In the last few years, a multitude of new funders have entered the global dispute financing market. Additionally, the larger, established players are continually raising significant levels of new capital. The growth of the industry shows no signs of slowing.




2. Why is Funding Sought and by Whom? 寻求资助的原因及主体

The key participants in the dispute funding process are the claim holders, funders, lawyers and, potentially, funding brokers. Funding may be sought to cover legal fees, out-of-pocket costs (e.g., expert fees, arbitrator fees, arbitral institution fees, discovery-related fees, etc...), or costs associated with subsequent enforcement actions or appeals and may be structured around a single claim or a portfolio of claims. Dispute finance is also increasingly being used by claim holders for other purposes, such as for raising working capital for the claimant entity, discharging other financial liabilities, or financing other litigation (unrelated to the claim against which the financing is secured).


Historically, third-party funding was considered as being primarily a mechanism by which financially distressed claimants could obtain access to justice. However, much of the focus of the litigation finance market today is on the growing corporate utilization of funding by large, well-resourced entities. These entities may be looking for ways to manage risk, to reduce legal budgets, take the cost of pursuing arbitration off-balance sheet, or to pursue other business priorities instead of allocating resources to financing an arbitration matter.[9] Put simply, funding is not only for those that are impecunious. “The use of funding offers the client the ability to minimize risk, does not have any negative effect on their cash flow, and ensures payment of lawyers.”[10]


a. Claimants申请人

As noted above, the vast majority of recipients of third-party funding are claimants. At one end of the spectrum, there may be a party that has invested all of its resources into a failed project and funding provides this investor with the only mechanism by which the investor can seek redress from the parties that caused its losses.


Somewhere in the middle, exists a claimant who may be adequately capitalized, but nonetheless is a smaller entity than the corporation it wishes to pursue an action against. In his book, Nick Rowles-Davies provides an example that captures this scenario well.[11] The example involves a mid-size company that has been wronged by a much larger competitor and is faced with the decision of whether to spend its capital on vindicating its rights (and unlocking a potential recovery) or allocating those resources to its core business operations.[12] Even if it does decide to self-fund the matter, it is likely that it will be outmatched in resources by its opponent. In the absence of external funding, the claimant would be in an untenable position. Funding allows the claimant to grow its business while pursuing the action in a manner that poses no cash flow burden or risk.[13]

在争议市场的中间,存在一个资本可能很充足的申请人,但相较于争议相对方仍然是一个较小的实体。Nick Rowles Davies在其书中提供的示例很好地描述了该场景:一个中型企业遭受了更大竞争对手的损害,并面临如下选择:一是花费资金维护自身权利并获取潜在赔偿;二是将这些资源投入到核心业务的运作中。即使该企业决定自筹资金,也很难与其对手所掌握的资源相匹敌。如果没有资助,申请人将处于难以维持的境地。资助的存在使申请人能够继续经营并以不对现金流产生负担或风险的方式提起索赔。

At the other end of the spectrum, large corporations with strong balance sheets are increasingly employing dispute funding as a corporate finance tool that allows them to effectively manage their disputes without negatively impacting their balance sheets.[14] Dispute funding for corporate clients can take on a variety of forms including traditional capital outlay by funders as well as insurance/hedge offerings, which enable clients with good liquidity to mitigate litigation risk without paying substantial returns to a third-party funder.[15] As an alternative to tying up their own capital in litigation or arbitration, corporations can use dispute funding to pursue arbitrations that can help transition their in-house legal departments from cost centres to profit centres.


b. Law Firms 律师事务所

The role played by law firms in the third-party funding market is multi-faceted and evolving. In some instances, law firms, themselves, may be the users of dispute finance. For example, a law firm could seek the use of third-party funding as a way of supporting contingency fee opportunities, as discussed more fully below. In this context, the law firm would approach the funding market directly in order to seek financing options for its own fee risk exposure and enhance its ability to offer alternative billing offerings relative to its competitors.


In other instances, as discussed more fully below,[16] a law firm may effectively act as the provider of dispute finance, for example when offering to act on a contingency fee basis.


Even where not directly a party to the funding agreement, the law firm’s role is often pivotal in a claimant’s decision as to whether it should explore the possibility of third-party funding and the approach taken if funding is sought. Although awareness of litigation finance is rising amongst corporate counsel,[17] most claimants rely heavily on their legal advisors for advice relating to third-party funding, the costs and practicalities involved, and which funder(s) or broker should be approached. Funders therefore cultivate relationships with law firms in order to encourage future referrals. In some instances, even where a law firm is not a direct party to the eventual funding agreement, the firm may still be highly invested in the outcome of the approach to funders. It is not uncommon for a law firm acting for a financially distressed client to invest significant time on a speculative basis in preparing a case for presentation to funders, understanding that it will only be able to recoup that time investment if funding is successfully obtained.[18]


While the majority of opportunities presented to the funding market come via law firms, a growing awareness of third-party funding amongst clients has led to an increased percentage of claimants seeking funding directly, often prior to selecting a law firm (e.g., while still engaging in a law firm tender process).


c. Brokers and Other Intermediaries 经纪人及其他中介

As an alternative to approaching the funding market directly, some lawyers and claimants opt to use the services of a specialist third-party funding broker. The role of the broker is to advise on potential financing options, access a broader range of funders, and manage the process. With the ever-growing number of funds operating worldwide, as well as the range of alternative insurance structures available, brokers are regarded as playing an increasingly prominent role in the process of sourcing and structuring dispute finance arrangements. Support from funders can be either through traditional advice or new electronic platforms, which boast increased efficiency for parties.


A broker is usually paid either on an up-front basis, with the execution of the funding agreement, or on a contingent basis, which is correlated to the outcome of the funded case. Depending upon the arrangement, the broker’s fees may be paid by the funder or by the claimant.


There are also different types of broker services. Some brokers function as an “introducers” who can introduce the claimant to a sub-set of the funding market. Other brokers function as sell-side brokers who can introduce the claimant to the whole or a sub-set of the funding market, but who acts in the interest of the funders, while still other brokers function as buy-side brokers, who can introduce the claimant to the whole or a sub-set of the funding market, and who represent the interest of the claimant. In order to establish what type of broker they are dealing with, a party or its counsel should seek disclosure from the broker about how they are remunerated and whether they have access to the whole funding market or just a sub-set of it.


Although arguably on the rise and valuable in navigating the expanding funding markets, some questions were raised in the public comment period, particularly from third-party funders, regarding the use of brokers. Some questioned the extent to which brokers may potentially increase costs or slow down the process of obtaining funding. Other comments suggested that there may in the future be questions about confidentiality and privilege with respect to information shared with brokers.


d. Respondents 被申请人

While far from commonplace, financing for respondents is evolving and becoming more available. Apart from scenarios where a responding party may either via a counterclaim or a successful defence of the arbitration unlock a significant financial upside, funding for respondents is still relatively rare.[19] The funding of respondents poses challenges with respect to how to remunerate the funder for its provision of capital in the event of a successful defence, while avoiding any potential moral hazards created by the existence of the funding.


One possible option for respondents in situations where they can value their exposure may be to identify a realistic exit point, which, if met, will trigger a payment of some amount to their funders or law firms. Akin to a reverse or inverse contingency scenario, the respondent would pay the funder for some amalgamation of “the amount by which its liability has been reduced, comparing the amount originally claimed with the amount awarded”.[20] Although this structure is occasionally referenced, in practice, it does not seem to be commonplace, with only a few such arrangements having been successfully negotiated between funders and respondents. Of the few examples of respondent-side funding that exist, most involve situations where the funder has an independent financial or non-financial interest in the outcome. For example, in RSM Production Corporation v. Grenada, the respondent state was funded by a third party that apparently had a competing interest in the oil exploration rights that would have been awarded to the claimant if it prevailed.[21] In addition, cause-based funding of a defendant has occurred, for example in Philip Morris v. Uruguay,[22] where the Tobacco Free Kids Foundation provided funding to Uruguay. Notably, the Uruguay case may not be an isolated example as the Bloomberg Philanthropies and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have launched an “Anti-Tobacco Trade Litigation Fund” to support low- and middle-income countries.[23] It has also been suggested that, similar to what occurs in WTO proceedings, states might fund other responding states, either for political reasons or because they have an interest in the legal issues being decided by the tribunal.[24]

在能够评估风险敞口的情况下,被申请人的一个可能选择是设置一个退出点,一旦满足,即向资助者或律师事务所支付一定款项。类似于反向风险代理情形,被申请人为其“少承担的责任(将初始索赔金额与最终裁决金额进行比较)”向资助者支付联合费用。虽然这种结构偶尔被提及,但在实践中并不常见,资助者和被申请人之间的这种资助安排很少能够协商成功。在仅存的几个资助被申请人的案例中,涉及的情况大多是资助者对案件结果具有独立的融资利益或不具有融资利益。例如,在RSM Production Corporation v. Grenada案中,被申请国受助于第三方,该第三方显然对授予给申请人的石油开采权(若申请人胜诉)有竞争利益。另外,还存在向被申请人提供公益资助的情况,例如在ICSID 审理的hilip Morris v. Uruguay案中,无烟儿童基金会(Tobacco Free Kids Foundation)向乌拉圭政府提供资助。值得注意的是,乌拉圭案件并非个例,彭博慈善基金会和比尔和梅林达•盖茨基金会已启动“反烟草贸易诉讼基金”为中低收入国家提供支持。也有人建议,与WTO诉讼程序中发生的情况类似,各国可以为其他抗辩国提供资助,或出于政治原因,或因其对法庭所裁决的法律问题享有利益。。

As noted in following sections, the defence of a claim could also potentially be included in a portfolio arrangement.


B. The Dispute Funding Process争议资助程序

1. Fundamentals 基本原理

The nature, structure, and features of third-party funding arrangements can vary significantly from case to case, as can the process involved in putting the arrangement in place. The vast majority of cases presented to any given funder are rejected by the funder for one reason or another. There are few published statistics available, however anecdotal reports, as well as statements made by some funders, suggest rejection rates of 90 per cent or higher. This rate may change with the growing number of funders entering the market, coupled with lawyers and their clients’ increasing familiarity with the basic requirements of most funders.


The decision about whether to fund a claim will be taken following detailed due diligence by the funder (often using external counsel, and potentially damages or technical experts), and approval by the funder’s board or investment committee. Funders are primarily concerned with the case merits, the economics of the proposed investment (criteria listed below), and the enforceability of any award.


In order for a funder to seriously consider a potential opportunity, there must be an adequate demonstration of a solid claim with a healthy, recoverable margin between the anticipated damages recovery and the anticipated budget for legal fees and costs. The facts, the merits, the parties, and their representatives will all play a crucial role in this calculus. “In addition, the analysis will consider other factors such as: 1) value of the law suits; 2) amount to be advanced; 3) jurisdictional obstacles; 4) defenses; 5) nature and length of the proceeding (including whether arbitration or litigation; venue and applicable rules); 6) possibilities of settlement; 7) creditworthiness of client and the opposing party (particularly with a view to collection prospects); 8) visibility and location of the opposing party’s assets; 9) counsel chosen and compensation structure (whether there is a contingency fee agreement in place) or 10) additional obligations of the party to be funded linked to the potential risk of recovery (such as previous funding agreements or any other alliance).”[25]


a. Economics经济回报

By far the most common reason for a potential opportunity to be turned down by a funder is not concerns over the legal merits of the case. Instead, when funders turn down a case it is more typically due to concerns that the quantum of the claim (or at least the realistic recovery or likely settlement value) will not be sufficient to justify the level of investment required to finance the arbitration budget.


Funders wish to ensure that the most likely outcome will leave the claim holder with more than a minority share of the recovery. This means ensuring that the combined funding costs (reimbursement of funder’s capital and success fee, any contingent litigation insurance premium payable and any contingent fee payment to the legal team) is less than half of the total recovery.


While funders’ approaches to this issue vary, many will include a fairly crude economics test in their investment criteria, requiring a minimum ratio between the funding request and a realistic claim value of 1:10. Notably, the 1:10 ratio does not assume a ten-fold return on investment. Instead, return on investment is estimated to be closer to four times the amount invested (including repayment of capital, which is referred to in the industry as a three-fold return (i.e., a return of amount invested, plus three times that amount)). The 1:10 ratio instead means that if a funder invests US$ 1 and the claimant recovers US$ 10, the funder can recover its investment plus three-fold return, which will leave the claimant with 60 per cent of the proceeds.


Notably, while three-fold or four-fold return on investment is commonly discussed in the funding industry, even those rates of return are somewhat misleading. Not all cases will win. Consequently, for an investor investing in dispute funding, the actual return on investment is unlikely to be a three-fold return, but instead more likely in actual terms to be a double digit percentage.


It may be assumed that these numbers will leave a sufficient margin to allow for the claim holder to retain more than half of the claim proceeds, after deducting the cost of the funding arrangement. In this vein, most funders tend to be highly conservative when valuing claims and will concentrate on the realistic or likely “floor” value of the claim, as opposed to the maximum potential (but inherently more speculative) claim value.


Funders will also carefully scrutinize the arbitration budget (assuming that the financing is being provided primarily or solely for this purpose). A light or overly optimistic budget may be a cause for concern. While the funding commitment will be limited to a fixed or staged sum, a case which exceeds the budget where there is no pre- agreed mechanism in place to deal with the overrun can be problematic for all parties, potentially necessitating renegotiation of the funding agreement mid-way through the case. Funders increasingly will address this issue upfront, potentially requesting a fee cap or an overrun agreement from the claimant’s legal team in order to secure budget certainty.


Ultimately, the most desirable cases are those that have a very high (realistic) claim value as well as a high ratio between the arbitration budget and the quantum of the claim.


b. Return Structures 回报结构

A dispute funder providing “non-recourse” litigation finance will generally expect to make a multiple return on the capital invested. This reflects both the high-risk nature of the investment as well as the Internal Rate of Return (“IRR”) expectations of those that invest in litigation funds. From the claimant’s perspective, the funder’s return (or success fee) may be structured in a number of different ways. It may be structured as a multiple of the capital invested or as a percentage of the “claim proceeds” (the amount recovered by way of damages or settlement). Some arrangements will involve a combination of these, for example the greater of 3x the capital invested or 35 per cent of the claimant’s recovery. By way of illustration, this was the structure and pricing of the funder’s return in the Norscott v. Essar case,[26] in which the arbitrator accepted evidence that the cost of the funding was reasonable in the circumstances of the specific case in question.

提供“无追索权”诉讼融资的争议资助者通常期望其投资能产生高额回报。这既反映投资的高风险性,也反映投资者对诉讼资助投资的内部收益率(“IRR”)的期待。从申请人角度来看,资助者回报(或成功费)的构成方式有多种:可以是投资资本的倍数,或是“索赔收益”的百分比(以损害赔偿或庭外和解方式收回的金额)。一些资助安排将包括这二者的结合,如“投资资本的3倍或申请人获赔金额的35%,以高者为准”。作为例证,这是Norscott v. Essar案中资助者回报的结构和价格,仲裁员接受了James Blick提交的证明该案资助费用合理的证据。

It is also common for the funding agreement to link the funder’s return to the duration of the case (or to the amount of capital that has been drawn down), meaning that the funder’s return is lower if the case settles early, but rises throughout the proceedings. Such a structure will facilitate early settlement for the claimant, while ensuring that the return to the funder is more proportionate to the actual capital risk taken if the case settles early.


While many funders target broadly similar returns, the differences from a claimant’s perspective between different funding offers on a specific matter can be huge, especially where the claim value is high. Fully understanding the commercial terms of any funding arrangement requires, at a minimum, some basic financial modelling in order to calculate the amount that the funder will be entitled to in a range of theoretical settlement outcomes at different stages of the case with different levels of capital deployed. With the growing number of funders competing for business and the ever-increasing diversity and complexity of funding agreements, claimants are well advised to obtain and compare (either directly or with the advice of brokers or independent counsel) multiple funding offers before entering into a funding agreement.


c. Waterfall Agreement优先级协议

Closely related to the funder’s return structure is what is often referred to as the “waterfall agreement” or “priority agreement”. This agreement can either be included within the funding agreement or be a separate document, and will usually require execution by all “stakeholders” (i.e., those entitled to a share or contingent payment from any recovery, typically including the claim holder, the funder, the law firm and any insurer providing coverage for fees, costs or an adverse costs award). The waterfall agreement will set out how the claim proceeds are to be divided between the stakeholders. The terms of this agreement can be as important as the return structure when considering the cost of a potential financing arrangement.


d. Risk Alignment 风险分摊

Risk alignment (or “skin in the game” as it is more colloquially referred to) is an important consideration to many funders when considering a potential opportunity. Some funders have a strict requirement that the law firm should assume some element of risk in relation to its fee budget, either by offering a partial contingency fee and/or fee cap or overrun agreement. Even for those funders that do not require this element as a matter of course, a law firm’s (and/or client’s) willingness to share in the risk and reward is usually regarded as a positive feature when assessing a potential funding opportunity.

对许多资助者而言,在考虑潜在机会时,风险分摊(更通俗的说法是“风险共担(skin in the game)”)是一项重要的考虑因素。一些资助者会严格要求律师事务所应承担与费用预算相关的一些风险要素,如提供部分风险代理收费,设置费用上限或制定超额协议。即使对于那些不必然提出这些要求的资助者,在评估潜在资助机会时,律师事务所(和/或客户)愿意分担风险和报酬通常被视为积极的特征。

e. Control 控制

The extent to which the funder will assert control over the arbitration and the claimant’s decision-making process (e.g., whether, when and at what level to settle the claim) is often a concern expressed by claimants, lawyers, and regulators. In some common law jurisdictions, it can also be an important issue in assessing the legality of the financing arrangement where doctrines of maintenance and champerty still exist.

资助者将在多大程度上控制仲裁和申请人的决策过程(例如索赔是否和解、何时和解以及和解条件)通常是申请人、律师和监管人关心的问题,在一些仍然存在唆诉和帮诉理论(maintenance and champerty)的普通法辖区,也是评估融资安排合法性的重要问题。

In reality, the vast majority of third-party funding arrangements are structured carefully to ensure that the funder does not have control over the case or the claimant. In many jurisdictions, this is essential in order to avoid or minimize the risk of a challenge to the lawfulness of the funding agreement. Even in civil law jurisdictions that permit the sale or assignment of claims, many funders still adopt this common law model, although there are also many examples of funds in such jurisdictions seeking to purchase and aggregate (and thus take over control of) claims. This approach is prevalent, for example, in cartel damages claims in jurisdictions such as Germany and the Netherlands, but less common in international arbitration.


However, even where the funding arrangement does not seek excessive control, there are nevertheless certain safeguards built in to protect the funder’s investment. A third-party funding arrangement is not an unconditional agreement to fund the case to conclusion. Provision of ongoing funding will be subject to the merits of the case and compliance with the terms of the funding arrangement. Breach of the agreement or a fundamental change in the likelihood of success may entitle the funder to terminate the agreement (and, in some instances of serious breach, may allow the funder to seek recourse for the amount invested). While this does not amount to direct control, if the claimant is financially reliant upon the funder in order to pursue the claim to conclusion, the possibility of the withdrawal of funding may still amount to powerful indirect control.


Related to the issue of control is the question of how actively the funder wishes to monitor its investment. This varies from funder to funder, but it should be assumed that at a minimum, the funder will require reports about the progress of the case, the right to monitor fees and/or approve expenditures, notification of any significant developments (e.g., settlement offers or new information that changes the case outlook) and direct access to the claimant’s legal team. In some instances, the funder may play a highly active role, attending client meetings and/or hearings, being copied on correspondence, and providing input on strategic issues. Some clients regard this active involvement by the funder as a ‘value added’ in terms of budget management and legal, strategic, or technical expertise, beyond the mere provision of capital.


f. Confidentiality/Privilege 保密/特权

Securing funding necessarily requires the sharing of confidential, privileged and, on occasion, highly sensitive information with prospective funders. Ensuring the protection of that confidential information and that any existing privilege is not lost are important issues that claim holders and their advisors must consider before seeking funding.


Anyone navigating the process must balance the disclosure of information required for assessment/due diligence and minimizing the risk of waiving privilege. Certain basic steps, such as entering into non-disclosure agreements before sharing any information and limiting the information shared early on, are fairly standard practice. The concerns and protocols for protecting confidential and privileged information necessarily vary depending on the jurisdiction or jurisdictions involved. In some national jurisdictions, the law is fairly well-established, whereas in others it is still evolving (although generally in the direction of accepting that parties should be able to share information with funders without waiving privilege).[27]


Issues of privilege are particularly complex in international arbitration. Tribunals often use conflict-of-laws analysis to determine which national law applies to the determination of whether a privilege exists. Some international standards are also developing, for example to resolve when different potentially applicable national rules point to opposite outcomes or to determine when waiver has occurred. The Task Force’s Principles on confidentiality and privilege are set forth in Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 also includes some guidance on best practices.


g. Conflicts of Interest 利益冲突

The third-party funding market necessarily has to grapple with the issue of conflicts of interest (whether actual, potential or perceived) that arise as a result of the funder’s participation in a particular case. The issue of arbitrator conflicts of interest is addressed in Chapter 4, and so will not be discussed at length here.


A related issue is how the claimant’s legal team can mitigate or manage potential conflicts of interest arising between its duties to the claimant and its relationship with the funder. While the majority of funded cases proceed smoothly with an aligned interest between the funder and claimant (and legal team), there is always the potential for an issue to arise. For example, under some funding structures, the funder is entitled to a multiple of the capital invested as a priority over the claimant. Under such an arrangement, there is a theoretical possibility that the funder could receive a healthy return (for example, repayment of its investment plus a return of 3x the invested capital), but the claimant receives nothing. Such a structure (while not uncommon) can clearly give rise to tensions when it comes to considering an offer of settlement proposed by the respondent that would produce that kind of result under the funding agreement. Similarly, issues such as budget overrun, a change in legal representation during the proceedings, or a deterioration in the merits of the case can create situations where the interests of the claimant diverge from those of the funder.


Most of these issues are addressed fairly and effectively through a well-written funding agreement. The most common structure of a third-party funding arrangement is one that clearly demarcates the duties the law firm owes to the claimant and those (if any) owed to the funder. The claimant and the funder enter into an arrangement under which the funder provides the claimant with capital in order to finance the legal fees and costs associated with the arbitration. Under this structure, the claimant’s lawyer advises and owes duties only to the claimant (the funder typically having taken separate advice from its own external counsel).


In reality, however, the relationships between funders and law firms are often more complex. It may be for example that the client entered into the funding arrangement as a result of the law firm’s introduction to or relationship with the funder. It may even be that the law firm relies upon the funder for financing across a portfolio of matters, which can make it more difficult to avoid or manage perceived conflicts of interest where a disagreement arises between the funder and one of the funded clients in the portfolio. Many of these issues can be managed through adherence to industry-based best practices (see Chapter 7, below) and careful drafting of the funding agreement. Many of these issues are also subject to national or local ethical rules. In addition, some clients use and law firms recommend the services of independent brokers (or independent law firms) in order to maintain distance from the funder selection process and mitigate any perceived conflict issues.


2. The Process for Obtaining Funding 获取资助的程序

a. The Approach 接洽

The dispute funding market is changing rapidly, with a continued influx of new capital providers, greater competition amongst funders, and an increasing availability of alternative insurance-based structures. Since most clients are not repeat users of dispute funding, it may be increasingly important to rely upon a specialist broker or lawyer with expertise in this area for advice and guidance and to manage the process throughout.


Regardless of whether an independent lawyer or broker is used, any party considering third-party funding for a claim will be well-advised to simultaneously approach multiple prospective funders. This increases the chances of securing funding (as noted above, individual funds reject the vast majority of opportunities presented to them), while creating a competitive process to enable the terms of any funding offer received to be weighed up in the context of any competing offers available.


Once a decision has been made to approach prospective funds with a particular matter, success in securing funding will often depend on careful funder selection based upon the case profile and specifics, and taking into account each funder’s investment criteria, as well as the types of structure and commercial terms sought.


Case presentation is also important. As noted above, funders’ investment decisions will be based upon a range of factors. A well-prepared and comprehensive case presentation covering the items listed at section B(ii) above will enable prospective funders to form a preliminary view on the case and move quickly to a decision on whether or not to offer terms.

b. Case Assessment案件评估

Each funder’s approach and decision-making process is different, as is the speed with which each can move from initial case presentation to execution of a funding agreement. The most common approach is a two-stage process. The first stage involves an initial (usually internal) evaluation of the opportunity by the funder. This evaluation will include an assessment of the items discussed above, such as the case merits, amount of the funding request, claim value, legal landscape, enforcement, etc.[28] If satisfied that the case meets the funder’s investment criteria, the funder will make an offer (usually in the form of a term sheet or conditional funding agreement). The offer will usually be subject to the funder completing a second more detailed due diligence process, often using external counsel. Given the time and expense incurred during the second phase, many funders request a period of exclusivity in order to complete this process.


The requirement for exclusivity is not universal, but it is a relatively common practice amongst funders. While it should generally be accepted as a legitimate requirement by a funder about to embark upon an intensive and potentially costly due diligence process, it should also be approached with caution by claimants. Agreeing to a lengthy exclusivity period in a time-sensitive case can be highly damaging if the funding agreement is not executed at the end of the process.


Some funders also employ a third level of review, which requires submission of the claim and the proposed funding terms to an investment committee for a final decision.


c. The Funding Agreement[29] 资助协议

The funding agreement sets forth the terms upon which the funding is provided to the claimant, including the extent of funding commitment, return structure, rights and obligations of the parties and termination rights.


For purposes of providing an overview, the sample Therium funding agreement contained within Nick Rowles-Davies’ book is useful, as is his explanation and those of other authors.[30] However, each funder’s standard funding agreement is different and most funding agreements eventually executed by a claimant are individually negotiated and therefore depart from the funder’s standard form to some extent. As such, it is beyond the scope of this Chapter to attempt to comment in detail upon the commonalities and differences between various agreements.

就提供概述的目的而言,Nick Rowles-Davies书中所载的Therium资助协议样本,以及Nick Rowles-Davies与其他作者作出的解释,都可以发挥作用。然而,每个资助者的标准资助协议并不相同,最终由申请人执行的大多数资助协议须通过单独协商,因而在某种程度上已经偏离了资助者提供的标准格式。因此,对各种资助协议的共性及区别进行详细评述不属于本章的讨论范围。

However, there are some provisions that are worthy of particular consideration. For example, the circumstances in which the funder may suspend or terminate the funding or potentially seek recourse against the claimant for the amount invested are especially important. The Association of Litigation Funders of England and Wales (“ALF”) Code of Conduct envisages the following grounds for the funder seeking termination of the funding agreement (the last of which potentially entitling the funder to recourse for the capital invested to that point):


“11.2.1 reasonably ceases to be satisfied about the merits of the dispute;

11.2.2 reasonably believes that the dispute is no longer commercially viable; or

11.2.3 reasonably believes that there has been a material breach of the LFA by the Funded Party.”[31]

While on the face of it, these are reasonable grounds for the withdrawal of funding, the manner in which the merits and commercial viability of the claim are to be judged and by whom are significant.





The ALF Code of Conduct requires that any dispute about settlement or termination should be resolved by independent counsel. A dispute resolution clause along these lines is a common feature in many funding agreements (including agreements with funders who are not members of the ALF) to enable a funder to exercise reasonable termination rights, while protecting the client from a unilateral and unreasonable decision by the funder to cease funding.


It should also be noted that in addition to the funding agreement, various ancillary agreements may also be entered into as a part of formalizing the overall funding arrangement, such as the so-called waterfall or priorities agreement,[32] a retention or engagement agreement with the law firm, and/or related insurance policies. As noted above, the waterfall agreement is a particularly important document (or section within the funding agreement). It can also be one of the more challenging items to negotiate, given that multiple parties, potentially with competing interests, need to agree to the framework.
