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ICCA国际仲裁第三方资助(TPF)报告:第6章 费用及费用担保 (1)

更新时间:2018-08-16 10:31:20  临时仲裁 编辑:lianluobu  点击次数:3766次

第6章 费用及费用担保 (1)



Principles on Final Award (Allocation) of Costs终局裁决费用的(分摊)原则

C.1. Generally, at the end of an arbitration, recovery of costs should not be denied on the basis that a party seeking costs is funded by a third-party funder.

C.2.When recovery of costs is limited to costs which have been “incurred” or “directly incurred”, the obligation of a party to reimburse the funder in the event of a successful outcome is generally sufficient for a tribunal to find that the costs of a funded party comes within that limitation.

C.3.The question of whether any of the cost of funding, including a third-party funder’s return, is recoverable as costs will depend on the definition of recoverable costs in the applicable national legislation and/or procedural rules, but generally should be subject to the test of reasonableness and disclosure of details of such funding costs from the outset of or during the arbitration so that the other party can assess its exposure.

C.4.In the absence of an express power, in applicable national legislation or  procedural rules, a tribunal would lack jurisdiction to issue a costs order against a third-party funder.

C.1. 通常情况下,仲裁结束时,不得基于一方当事人请求支付的费用已得到第三方资助为由拒绝补偿费用(recovery for costs)。

C.2. 当费用的补偿仅限于“已发生”或“已直接发生”的费用时,若一方当事人在胜诉时有义务偿还资助者,仲裁庭通常足以认定受助者的费用在该限制范围之内。

C.3. 包括第三方资助者的回报在内的任何资助费用是否可得到补偿,将取决于适用的国家立法和/或程序规则对可补偿费用的定义,但通常应在仲裁开始或期间对此类资助费用的细节进行合理性测试和披露,以便另一方当事人能对风险敞口进行评估。

C.4. 若所适用的国家立法和程序规则中均无明确授权,冲裁庭无权向第三方资助者签发支付令。

Security for Costs费用担保

D.1. An application for security for costs should, in the first instance, be determined on the basis of the applicable test, without regard to the existence of any funding arrangement.

D.2. The terms of any funding arrangement, including ATE, may be relevant if relied upon to establish that the claimant (or counterclaimant) can meet any adverse costs award (including, in particular, the funder's termination rights).

D.3. In the event that security turns out not to have been necessary, the tribunal may hold the requesting party  liable for the reasonable costs of posting such security.

D. 1. 费用担保的申请首先应根据所适用的检验标准来决定,而不考虑是否存在任何资助协议。

D. 2. 包括ATE在内的任何资助协议条款都可能相关,如果依据该条款可以确定申请人(或反请求申请人)能够应对任何不利的费用裁决(尤其包括资助者的终止权)。

D. 3. 如果担保被证明没有必要,仲裁庭可要求申请人对申请担保的合理费用承担责任。

I. Introduction介绍

The purpose of this Chapter is to provide guidance regarding the impact of third-party funding on allocation of costs and applications for security for costs. The analysis in this Chapter focuses on non-recourse funding arrangements. Where relevant, however, ATE, BTE and contingency fee arrangements are discussed for purposes of comparison.


It should be noted from the outset that the principles articulated in this Chapter are not intended to articulate a normative position; rather, they reflect the current state of the law that emerges from review of cases and scholarly commentary. Policy considerations are of course included in the analysis of this Chapter, but they are developed in more detail in Chapter 8, especially for investment arbitration. In this respect, sections of this Chapter that discuss issues in the context of investment arbitration should be read together with the policy analysis in Chapter 8.


The Chapter first examines issues on awarding of costs, and then issues on security for costs applications. Unless a tribunal establishes the likelihood that costs could in principle be awarded against an unsuccessful claimant, it cannot make a decision on a security for costs application.[1]


In respect of third-party funding, four principal questions arise and are addressed below:

(1) Should third-party funding affect the recoverability of its legal costs by the successful claimant?

(2) Should the costs of funding be recoverable?

(3) Can the third-party funder be ordered to contribute to the costs of the successful respondent?

(4) How should third-party funding affect the ordering of security for costs?  


1. 第三方资助是否应当影响胜诉申请人对法律费用的补偿?

2. 资助费用是否应得到补偿?

3. 第三方资助者是否可以被命令对胜诉被申请人的费用进行补偿?


II. Awarding of Costs费用的授予

When asked to make an award of costs at the end of the proceedings, an arbitral tribunal has to address a number of issues. First, the tribunal must decide whether it can and should reallocate costs and on what basis (e.g., costs follow the event). Second, if it decides to make a costs award against the unsuccessful party, the tribunal must determine which of the prevailing party’s costs are recoverable from the other side, including the type and amount of recoverable costs (i.e., (i) tribunal/institution costs and/or (ii) parties' legal and other costs). Third, the tribunal must determine which and how much of those costs should be awarded against the unsuccessful party in the circumstances.

在仲裁程序结束并裁定仲裁费用时,仲裁庭必须先处理一些问题。第一,它必须决定是否应重新分摊费用以及依据(例如,根据结果裁定费用);第二,如果决定作出不利于败诉方的费用裁决,仲裁庭必须确定胜诉方的哪些费用可以从另一方补偿,包括可补偿费用的种类和数额(即 (i) 仲裁庭/机构费用和/或 (ii) 当事人的法律费用和其他费用);第三,在这种情况下,仲裁庭必须裁定应由败诉方支付的费用及金额。

An arbitral tribunal’s decisions on these issues will generally be framed by the applicable arbitral laws and rules [A], but are often informed by litigation practice [B]. Below some arbitral practices in relation to third-party funding are summarised [C]. Finally, key observations and suggestions are set out [D].


A. Arbitral Laws and Rules仲裁法律和规则

1. Arbitral Laws仲裁法律

As the award of costs originates from English law and practice, that is a useful place to begin.


English arbitration law contains comparatively detailed provisions on costs allocation. Section 61 English Arbitration Act 1996 provides that:

“(1) The tribunal may make an award allocating the costs of the arbitration as between the parties, subject to any agreement of the parties.

(2) Unless the parties otherwise agree, the tribunal shall award costs on the general principle that costs should follow the event except where it appears to the tribunal that in the circumstances this is not appropriate in relation to the whole or part of the costs.”


“(1) 在不违背当事人约定的前提下,仲裁庭可在当事人之间裁决仲裁费用的分担。

(2) 除非当事人另有约定,仲裁庭应裁决承担仲裁费用的一般原则是:仲裁费用的承担应符合案件结果,除非仲裁庭认为,根据具体情况,一方当事人承担全部或部分仲裁费用是不合适的。”

As regards the amount of recoverable costs, Section 63 English Arbitration Act 1996 states:

“(3) The tribunal may determine by award the recoverable costs of the arbitration on such basis as it thinks fit.

If it does so, it shall specify –

(a) the basis on which it has acted, and

(b) the items of recoverable costs and the amount referable to each.


“(3) 仲裁庭如认为适当,可以裁决形式确定可补偿的仲裁费用。


(a) 确定之依据,以及

(b) 可补偿仲裁费用的项目及各项数额。

(4) If the tribunal does not determine the recoverable costs of the arbitration, any party to the arbitral proceedings may apply to the court (upon notice to the other parties) which may –

(a) determine the recoverable costs of the arbitration on such basis as it thinks fit, or

(b) order that they shall be determined by such means and upon such terms as it may specify.

(4) 如果仲裁庭未确定可补偿的仲裁费用,仲裁程序的任一方当事人(经通知其他当事人)可向法院提出申请,法院可以:

(a) 以其认为合适的理由,判决可补偿的仲裁费用,或

(b) 命令应以法院规定的方式和条件予以确定。

(5) Unless the tribunal or the court determines otherwise –

(a) the recoverable costs of the arbitration shall be determined on the basis that there shall be allowed a reasonable amount in respect of all costs reasonably incurred, and

(b) any doubt as to whether costs were reasonably incurred or were reasonable in amount shall be resolved in favour of the paying party.”

(5) 除非仲裁庭或法院另有决定:

(a) 就所有合理产生的仲裁费用应允许合理增减,在此基础上确定可补偿之仲裁费用,并且

(b) 对于该仲裁费用的产生及数额是否合理的怀疑,其解决应有利于支付方当事人。”

Default rules on costs shifting can also be found in the arbitration laws of other common law systems such as Hong Kong, [2]as well civil law systems such as Germany, Spain, Brazil and Portugal.[3]  


While jurisdictions that have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law (or close to it), such as France, Switzerland, and the United States, are silent on the issue of costs allocation, it is generally understood that tribunals sitting in these jurisdictions have the power to render awards on costs.[4]  


No national arbitration laws of which the Task Force is aware include substantive provisions regarding the effect of third-party funding on cost awards.


2. Arbitral Rules仲裁规则

Many widely used arbitral rules also provide for the award of costs and for cost shifting and set a presumption that costs should follow the event, or should be allocated based on the degree of success, unless particular circumstances call for a different approach.[5] Other rules simply provide for wide arbitrator discretion.[6]


The UNCITRAL Rules are representative. Article 40(1) provides that the arbitral tribunal shall fix the costs of arbitration in the final award and, if it deems appropriate, in another decision. Article 42 then provides:

《联合国贸易法委员会仲裁规则》具有代表性。该规则第40 (1)条规定,仲裁庭应在最终裁决书中并在其认为适当的其他任何决定中确定仲裁费用。第42条规定:

“1. The costs of the arbitration shall in principle be borne by the unsuccessful party or parties. However, the arbitral tribunal may apportion each of such costs between the parties if it determines that apportionment is reasonable, taking into account the circumstances of the case.

2. The arbitral tribunal shall in the final award or, if it deems appropriate, in any other award, determine any amount that a party may have to pay to another party as a result of the decision on allocation of costs.”

“1. 仲裁费用原则上应由败诉一方或败诉各方负担,但是,仲裁庭考虑到案件具体情况,认为分摊费用合理的,仲裁庭可裁决在当事人之间分摊每一项此种费用。

2. 仲裁庭应在最终裁决书中,或者在其认为适当的其他任何裁决中,裁决一方当事人须根据费用分摊决定向另一方当事人支付的任何数额。”

Similar formulations can be found, for instance, in the ICC Rules,[7] the LCIA Rules,[8] and the CIETAC Rules.[9]


The only provision in arbitral rules that specifically address the issue of third-party funding with respect to costs awards is Article 35 of the 2017 SIAC Investment Arbitration Rules, which provide:


“The Tribunal shall have the authority to order in its Award that all or a part of the legal or other costs of a Party be paid by another Party. The Tribunal may take into account any third-party funding arrangements in ordering in its Award that all or a part of the legal or other costs of a Party be paid by another Party.”


B. Litigation Practice诉讼实践

Given that the award and allocation of costs has it genesis in court practice, especially in common law jurisdictions, for comparative purposes, this section provides a brief overview of the status of recoverability of funding costs in litigation in some of the most popular jurisdictions for international litigation.


In England and Wales, conditional fees and the premium for ATE insurance were made recoverable under the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 as amended by the Access to Justice Act 1999. Section 58A(6) stated that costs orders made in any proceedings might include success fees. Section 58A(4) made it clear that the term ‘proceedings’ included arbitration proceedings. Section 29 Access to Justice Act 1999 provided that ‘[w]here in any proceedings a costs order is made in favour of any party who has taken out an insurance policy against the risk of incurring a liability in those proceedings, the costs payable to him may, subject in the case of court proceedings to rules of court, include costs in respect of the premium of the policy.’ The success fee element could only be based on fees incurred after the conditional fee agreement had been disclosed to the other side. This regime was subsequently changed with the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012, which abolished the recoverability of conditional fees and ATE insurance premiums for agreements entered into after 1 April 2013, on the ground that such premiums and fees were key drivers behind the escalating costs of civil litigation.

根据《1999年司法救济法》(Access to Justice Act 1999)而修订的《英国和威尔士法院和法律服务法》规定,英国和威尔士的附条件费用和事后保险费可得到补偿。《1999年司法救济法》第58A(6)条明确规定,任何诉讼中的费用支付令都可以包括成功费用;第58A(4)条规定,“程序”包括仲裁程序;《1999年司法救济法》第29条规定:“在任何程序所作的费用裁决对任意一方当事人有利时,若该当事人已经对这些程序产生的责任风险进行投保,根据诉讼程序的裁定支付给该当事人的费用应包括相关保险费。”上述规定随后被《2012违规行为的法律援助、审判和惩罚法》所改变,该法废除对按条件收费和ATE保险(2013年4月1日以后订立的协议)的补偿,其理由是这种保费或费用是民事诉讼费用不断攀升的主要驱动因素。

Section 58B also permitted litigation funding agreements and provided that a costs order made in any proceedings may, subject in the case of court proceedings to rules of court, include provision requiring the payment of any amount payable under a litigation funding agreement. This provision was unaffected by the 2012 reforms.

第58B 条允许诉讼资助协议,并规定,在任何诉讼程序中作出的费用命令,根据案件诉讼程序的法院规则,可包括要求按诉讼资助协议支付任何金额的规定。该规定不受2012改革的影响。

In the United States – where parties typically bear their own costs – the Supreme Court has clarified that if a federal fee shifting statute applies and the prevailing party seeks to recover its contingency fees, only reasonable hourly fees (lodestar-method) are recoverable.[10]


In Germany, interest charged on a loan used to pay litigation expenses is not recoverable under section 91 German Code of Civil Procedure, since the interest cost is not directly related to the conduct of the proceedings.[11] Accordingly, recovery of other funding costs (such as an ATE insurance premium) would likely be impossible from the perspective of German procedural law.


As regards the question of whether a third-party funder may be ordered to pay adverse costs should the funded claim fail, there is judicial authority from the UK[12] and the US[13] to the effect that costs can be awarded against third-party funders if they have obtained a sufficient degree of economic interest and control in relation to the claim.
